Princeton Teaching Week Workshops

The Pedagogy of Podcasting
An interactive workshop for Princeton teaching faculty
Wednesday, March 6 from 12:00 - 1:20 p.m. in the Digital Learning Lab, Lewis Library
RSVP to reserve a seat.
Lunch will be served.

What are the pedagogical possibilities that creating a podcast offers? How are Princeton faculty using podcasts in their courses? How hard is it to create one? This interactive workshop explores podcasting as a form of academic discourse and aural storytelling.

Dan Claro, Manager of the Digital Learning Lab, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.
Sorat Tungkasiri, Associate Director for Educational and Classroom Technology, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.
Carolyn Ureña, Lecturer in the Princeton Writing Program.


“Small” Teaching Innovations
An interactive workshop for Princeton teaching faculty
Thursday, March 7 from 12:00 - 1:20 p.m. in 330 Frist Campus Center
RSVP to reserve a seat.
Lunch will be served.

This interactive workshop will highlight small-scale changes to teaching practices that may deepen student learning. Participants will sample classroom exercises that draw from the literature on the science of learning, such as pondering and prediction, the one-minute thesis, and peer instruction (or review). We will also consider analytic and creative assignment types that extend and expand upon these exercises and the principle of “desirable difficulty.”

Katherine Stanton, Senior Associate Director, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning